Walking neighborhood evryday is current my fun

The Coronavirus have spread gradually also  in Japan and finally in Apr. 7th the Emergency declaration was issued in Tokyo , Osaka, and some major cities.

I have worked from home since end of Feb. ,already more than a month I haven't gone  to my working place. But staying home all day  is  I have much stress and becoming lack of exercise but  I can't go to  town , so I walk around neighborhood from 30 min. to 1 hour every day. Usually I move by car and I have hardly not walked around near my house, actually started walking I noticed there are various discovering.

This picture is Literary monument of Ryunosuke Akutagawa who is Japanese famous novelist to be active in Taisho era that is around 100 years befor . Written sentences are part of his short story "Mikan" ( this title means Japanese orange ) . Actually stage of story is inside a carriage of The Yokosuka Line running right beside the park existing this monument . At that  time stage of the story, The Yokosuka Line was still locomotive. A scene in which a girl opens a window while  a train is running in a tunnel and soot enters through the window is depicting. And after through out to tunnel ,the story have a warm ending. I read first time this story maybe when I was middle school student, still now I remember clearly scene of story. I like this story very much in Akutagawa's stories.Please read it if you are interested.
Japanese Short Stories by Ryƫnosuke Akutagawa

After out from this park, I directed  to my house. On the way home, I discovered cool Exterior in front of a shop. Though I didn't check it out what kind of shop. I posted to my Instagram too.

As soon as possible I hope this calamity will be to end and  the ordinary everyday will come back.  And I hope huge effort and sacrifice of many healthcare professionals, government officials, people fighting coronavirus and people all over the world will be rewarded and will come to feel safe.



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